Verdenskrigen 1914-1918 : til sjøs, i luften

Alternativ tittel: Verdenskrigen 1914-1918 : til sjøs, i luften
The world war 1914-1918 : on sea, in the air
Sjanger: Documentary film / Documentary film
År: 1918-1919
Lengde: 00:13:28
Beskrivelse: This film consists of two parts: the first part shows WWI at sea, and the second in the air. The very first scenes are shot from a German submarine attacking American ships. These attacks caused USA to declare war on Germany in 1917. The film then shows The US Navy's defence of the convoys, including using a smoke screen. Part two shows the American warfare in the air. Both zeppelins, aeoroplanes and balloones were used in this air war.
Nøkkelord: World War, 1914-1918 / EFG1914 / World War I
Leverandør: Nasjonalbiblioteket
Rettigheter: Not Copyright protected
Farge: Colour
Sound: Without sound
Originalformat: Video/mpeg
Language: en